Again I make the same demand. STATEMENT OF DAVID S. BUNTONEXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, THE APPRAISAL FOUNDATIONMr. BUNTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and Members of theCommittee. The Appraisal Foundation appreciates the opportunityto present its perspective at this hearing this afternoon.Our organization serves as the private sector resource in our Nation’sreal estate appraiser regulatory system. By way of background,we are not a membership-based trade association, butrather a not-for-profit educational organization that serves as anumbrella group for organizations with an interest in valuation.The appraisal profession in the United States has traditionallybeen somewhat fragmented. In the interest of promoting consistencyand uniformity in the areas of professional standards andqualifications, eight national appraisal organizations created theAppraisal Foundation in 1987. Our mission is to promote professionalismin appraising in two important ways, first by setting thequalifications that one must meet to become an appraiser, and second,by establishing standards for how an appraisal should be performed.This is relevant because in 1989, through the enactment ofTitle XI of FIRREA, the Congress gave the Appraisal Foundationthree specific responsibilities relating to the regulation of appraisers:First, that all appraisals performed for Federally related transactionsmust be in conformance with the standards promulgated bythe Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation; second,that State-certified real estate appraisers must meet theeducation, experience, and continuing education requirements establishedby the Qualifications Board of the Appraisal Foundation;and last, the examinations used by the States to certify our realVerDate 11-MAY-2000 17:06 Nov 07, 2005 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 6633 Sfmt 6633 24197.TXT SBANK4 PsN: SBANK411estate appraisers must be reviewed and approved by our AppraiserQualifications Board.
Curtis D. Harris, BS, CGREA, REB
Bachelor of Science in Real Estate, CSULA
State Certified General Appraiser
Real Estate Broker
ASTM E-2018 Commercial Real Estate Inspector
HUD 203k Consultant
HUD/FHA Real Estate Appraiser/Reviewer
FannieMae REO ConsultantCTAC LEED Certification
*PIRS/Harris Company and the Science of Real Estate-Partners*1910 East Mariposa Avenue, Suite 115
El Segundo, CA. 90245
310-337-1973 Office
310-251-3959 CellWebSite: Resume: Appraiser Blog: We Make a Simple Pledge to
Communicate, in a timely fashion, each appraisal, analysis, and opinion without bias or partiality
Abstain from behavior that is deleterious to our clients, the appraisal profession, and the public
Hold paramount the confidential nature of the appraiser/consultant - client relationship
Comply with the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and the
Code of Professional Ethics of the National Society of Real Estate Appraisers IT'S THE LAW-Designation Discrimination is Illegal [FIRREA, Sec. 564.6]: Professional Association Membership Membership in an appraisal organization: A State Certified General Appraiser may not be excluded from consideration for an assignment for a federally related transaction by virtue of membership or lack of membership in any particular appraisal organization, including the appraisal institute. CONFIDENTIALITY/PRIVILEGE NOTICE: This transmission and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee. The information contained in this transmission is confidential in nature and protected from further use or disclosure under U.S. Pub. L. 106-102, 113 U.S. Stat. 1338 (1999), and may be subject to consultant/appraiser-client or other legal privilege. Your use or disclosure of this information for any purpose other than that intended by its transmittal is strictly prohibited and may subject you to fines and/or penalties under federal and state law. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please destroy all copies received and confirm destruction to the sender via return transmittal
From: David Bunton [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 5:50 AM
To: Curits Harris
Cc: John Brenan; Staci Steward
Subject: RE: John S. Brenan, David S. Bunton
Mr. Harris: Thank you for your e-mail regarding recent correspondence by John Brenan regarding a position put forth by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). The opinions expressed by Mr. Brenan in his correspondence on Foundation Letter Head (sic) are those of The Appraisal Foundation and, with the exception of your correspondence, have been very well received. Regarding your Freedom of Information Act request, The Appraisal Foundation is a private non-profit organization and is therefore not subject to this act. Regards, Dave Bunton
From: Curits Harris [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 10:23 PM
To: David Bunton
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: John S. Brenan, David S. Bunton
David, I have made several demands for information on one of your employees, specifically John S. Brenan. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I further demand that you provide me a complete copy of your (David S. Bunton) and John S. Brenan's Resume. You are also formally notified that Mr. John S Brenan is responsible for the dissemination of information, on the Appraisal Foundation Letter Head, that is contrary to public policy and professional appraisal practice. This has lead me to believe that he is incompetent or unqualified for his position. Additionally I have requested a copy of his job description and a statement of how these letters are relevant to his position, or who authorized there publication and distribution. $ Mr. Bunton has served as the senior staff member of The Appraisal Foundation since May of 1990. As President, he is the chief executive officer of the Foundation. (Think we need TERM LIMITS?)Prior to joining The Appraisal Foundation, he served as the Vice President of Government Affairs and Communications for the Federal Asset Disposition Association. He also previously served as a legislative assistant in the U.S. Senate for eight years and was a Congressional Chief of Staff in the House of Representatives for four years.Mr. Bunton holds a BA degree in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland. (Just what the Appraisal Industry Needs!) He is presently a member of: The Collateral Risk Network, which was formed in late 2003 at the first annual Valuation Expo in Orlando, Florida. Attendance was approximately a half dozen or so lenders. Today membership stands at 281 members comprised of Lenders, Government Agencies, Wall Street, Vendor Management Companies, and Appraisers. (Their main objective is to transfer the bulk of appraisal work to Appraiser Management Companies and AVM developers. Mr. David S. Bunton you are a disgrace to our industry!) immediate response is appreciated.Thanks!
Curtis D. Harris, BS, CGREA, REB
Bachelor of Science in Real Estate, CSULA
State Certified General Appraiser
Real Estate Broker
ASTM E-2018 Commercial Real Estate Inspector
HUD 203k Consultant
HUD/FHA Real Estate Appraiser/Reviewer
FannieMae REO ConsultantCTAC LEED Certification

*PIRS/Harris Company and the Science of Real Estate-Partners*1910 East Mariposa Avenue, Suite 115
El Segundo, CA. 90245
310-337-1973 Office
310-251-3959 CellWebSite: Resume: Appraiser Blog: We Make a Simple Pledge to
Communicate, in a timely fashion, each appraisal, analysis, and opinion without bias or partiality
Abstain from behavior that is deleterious to our clients, the appraisal profession, and the public
Hold paramount the confidential nature of the appraiser/consultant - client relationship
Comply with the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and the
Code of Professional Ethics of the National Society of Real Estate Appraisers IT'S THE LAW-Designation Discrimination is Illegal [FIRREA, Sec. 564.6]: Professional Association Membership Membership in an appraisal organization: A State Certified General Appraiser may not be excluded from consideration for an assignment for a federally related transaction by virtue of membership or lack of membership in any particular appraisal organization, including the appraisal institute. CONFIDENTIALITY/PRIVILEGE NOTICE: This transmission and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee. The information contained in this transmission is confidential in nature and protected from further use or disclosure under U.S. Pub. L. 106-102, 113 U.S. Stat. 1338 (1999), and may be subject to consultant/appraiser-client or other legal privilege. Your use or disclosure of this information for any purpose other than that intended by its transmittal is strictly prohibited and may subject you to fines and/or penalties under federal and state law. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please destroy all copies received and confirm destruction to the sender via return transmittal
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