From: Deloitte Financial Services [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 5:58 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Commercial real estate outlook: Top five issues in 2011
Real Estate Services
Commercial real estate outlook
Top five issues in 2011
Sustaining the recovery momentum
Our latest publication, Commercial real estate outlook: Top five issues in 2011, outlines the top five issues facing commercial real estate in 2011. This report, an update to the twelfth report in Deloitte's series on critical issues impacting commercial real estate (CRE), examines CRE market trends and developments with a focus on the outlook for recovery.
Increased capital availability, price discovery caused by increased transaction volume, and improved fundamentals in the CRE space triggered alternative sources of financing and a spate of loan restructurings and resolutions in 2010, highlighting green shoots of recovery.
Impediments such as looming debt maturities, sluggish GDP growth, and a high unemployment rate continue to cause uncertainty and temper prospects for a robust rebound. | | Manage email preferences | RSS
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