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So. California Districts
Farmers Insurance
Of Companies How can you take advantage of the best entrepreneurial opportunity in America today? How can you help millions of Americans who are underserved in today's financial marketplace - and build a successful future for yourself? Apply
Now Subscriber,
Our Human Resource Department has kept the resume you posted a while back on file. If you are still looking for a new job we are still interested in speaking with you. If you are not currently looking to change jobs, we would like to keep in touch with you periodically. We believe you
are a great candidate for joining a leading company of a recession proof industry. Perhaps at some
point in the future you will be interested in seeing what we can offer you.
Farmers is the fastest growing multi-line insurance company in California and is currently filling positions in your area. If you are accepted, Farmers will financially assist you for 2+ years. Farmers will also provide you with proven training and tools so you can successfully manage your agency.
If you are unhappy with your current situation or are looking for a career rather than a job; this is your answer.Subscriber, please apply quickly to ensure the location nearest you is still filling positions. When applying be sure to only apply to the location that is nearest to you as multiple
applications will not be considered. To apply now, simply click HERE (or any of the "Apply Now" buttons in this email) and fill out the short online application. After you fill out the online application, a Farmers representative will respond with information about an in-person appointment.
Click here to forward this email to additional candidates that may be interested.
Human Resouces Department
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Riverside, CA
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